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Entreprises et philanthropie

Gao, Y., & Hafsi, T. (2019). How Owners Matter? An Examination of Ownership Type in Corporate Disaster Relief Giving. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration36(1), 70-83.

Gao, Y., & Hafsi, T. (2019). Does charitable giving substitute or complement firm differentiation strategy? Evidence from Chinese private SMEs. European Management Review16(3), 633-646.

Hafsi, T., & Kouamé, S. (2018). La solidarité en crise: Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie. Editions JFD.

Kouamé, S., Hafsi, T., Oliver, D., & Langley, A. (2021). Creating and Sustaining Stakeholder Emotional Resonance with Organizational Identity in Social Mission-Driven Organizations. Academy of Management Journal, (ja).

Robinot, É., Trespeuch, L., & Sanchez, D. Z. (2022). La communication de la philanthropie corporative en tant que stratégie de légitimation: une étude du domaine hôtelier. Management Avenir128(2), 15-34.

Zaragoza, D., & Robinot, E. (2019). Philanthropie corporative et responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Nouveau Prix Philab.