The observatory
L'OBSERVATOIRE DE LA PHILANTHROPIE is a Philanthropy research and strategic watch unit that brings together researchers from ESG UQAM, UQTR and other international universities.
It was born of the desire of two professors, Elisabeth Robinot (ESG UQAM) and Léo Trespeuch (EGUQTR), to increase interest in the field of philanthropy from a marketing research perspective. Founders of the research unit, they work in collaboration with native and international researchers to enhance the knowledge transfer of students’ and professors’ work in this field of study.
What is philanthropy?
Philanthropy was long reduced to the performance of selfless acts for the good of others (Association des Professionnels de Philanthropie); today, it is more polysemic, with a common base: love of humanity and its inseparable environment.
The broadening of the analysis spectrum is due to numerous societal evolutions. In particular, the rise of digital technology, and more specifically of social networks, to which a strategic and less disinterested dimension can sometimes be added.
At the heart of social, economic and environmental philanthropy lies an obvious altruism. However, other aspects such as guilt, or the gaze of others, seem to weigh more and more heavily on philanthropy. Whether corporate, non-governmental or individual. The various forms of philanthropy have also evolved. For example, traditional directed giving is being complemented by new altruistic acts such as non-directed donations to foundations and charities, CSR campaigns, carbon offsetting and “time” donations.
Chronology of key achievements
Discover the milestones of the Observatoire de la Philanthropie, from its creation to its current collaborations and recognitions.
Partnership with Philab
Recognition by EGUQTR
After a year of intensive collaboration, the Observatoire is officially recognized by the EGUQTR, consolidating its position in the academic network and increasing its influence in the philanthropic sector.
Support from ESG UQAM
ESG UQAM recognizes the Observatoire de la Philanthropie, highlighting its pivotal role in applied philanthropic marketing research and its impact on giving practices.
International Expansion
The Observatory expands its network internationally, establishing partnerships with world-renowned universities and institutions, reinforcing its commitment to the advancement of global philanthropy.
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Federating a group of researchers, students, companies and NPOs around the theme of philanthropy via management sciences and particularly marketing. This structure is designed to attract students and encourage the search for funding.
Promote knowledge transfer through the production of research, blogs, video clips and annual philanthropy and giving indexes.
Production of indices – Promotion of academic work – Help for companies – Help for NPOs.
According to the recent study by Hafsi and Kouamé (2018), it seems that citizens are changing their donation habits. Through the study carried out in partnership with Centraide, these authors note an increase in directed giving on the part of citizens. There is a mutation from a solidarity donation to a directed donation. The form of donations has also changed, with new modalities for online donations and participatory financing. The aim of this section is to understand changes in the way people donate.
Many companies no longer consider giving as a good deed. Donations are seen as a means of communication, sometimes even a tax strategy. This section aims to analyze corporate philanthropy in general, and more specifically in the fields of tourism and education.
The plural field has also seen a change. Private, public and community foundations are facing new challenges and need to become more “efficient” in the face of diminishing resources. The question of the impact of their donation choices on their image and financial performance remains a topical one.